Tuesday 25 March 2014

Sunday 23 March 2014


 Concept sketches for my project for design project

Tuesday 18 March 2014

We received our new Construction & Detailing project today.

Have to design and detail a information or product kiosk.

Have found some interesting precedent that I want to use.


Tuesday 11 March 2014

"Good architecture is not about form, it is about the interaction between form and life. And life is more difficult to define and study, and the interaction between form and life is what makes good architecutre."
~Jan Gehl, architect and urban philosopher

Thursday 6 March 2014

My 3D rendering in AutoCAD 2013

Have to hand it in tomorrow. Not totally satisfied, but going to patch it up for portfolio. Then I will get the lighting right...

Sunday 2 March 2014

Got a Urban design project and we have to research one urban philosopher. I got assigned to research Jan Gehl. 

Jan Gehl is a Danish architect and urban based in Copenhagen and whose career has focused on improving the quality of urban life by re-orienting city design towards the pedestrian and cyclist.

I found his research very interesting and would recommend that all new students in architecture to read his book "Life Between Buildings".